Today, it happened that a person who exhibited arrogance, attitude and headstrong nature in the past came back to me and apologized for the misbehavior in one of occasions. I am glad that people do introspect at times and hesitate not to correct their mistakes in life. This person was never so by character before that incident. However, I am assuming a lot of thought process would have gone in their mind before coming back. There might be a possibility of this person going through similar situation due to someone else and that might have hinted their fault. It is certainly a good approach to retrospect and act upon the drawbacks. This will help to gain the positive feel on a person altogether. After all everyone knows – Nobody is perfect in this world and human is Err all the time. If that err is corrected, a person is certainly making a move towards becoming more cultured and civilized.
At the same time, we have other category of people who know that the fault is on their side and still behave or pretend as if they were on the right side always. This class of people not only looses an opportunity to learn from their mistakes but also show closed doors to their learning curve. When the learning stops, it is very obvious that no progress in life is made. Instead this will leave only the turbulence in the mind and never get to express to outside world and continue to deteriorate with messy thoughts within the heart. Always, it’s a good practice to sort out the differences by being truth to ones self and showing up the same in the society as well.
If you think you were right for both yourself and others, you are on the right path of learning curve. Otherwise, you are the loser, taking a longer time to take the right path, which is always honored by all. Hesitate not to accept the faults. Every time you make a mistake, it’s a great learning. Believe in your values, always remember your past experiences in mind and repeat not the same fault again. Thus becomes a healthy environment all around.
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