Mungaru Male (Monsoon Rain) is a Kannada movie which has created a national record for becoming the first ever movie to run successfully for 365 days in PVR cinemas in Bangalore. The movie directed by Yograj Bhat featuring Ganesh, Sanjana Gandhi, and Anant Nag in leading roles completed its successful run for a year this December 29th. ‘Mungaru Male’ started off with 16 prints is now spread out with 136 prints is also a record in the history of Kannada cinema history. A must mention here is Mano Murthy with his melodious tunes and sweet music and Krishna’s cinematography which are the highlights of the movie and the secret behind the success of the film.
An intresting story of the making of Mungaru male is that director Yograj Bhat started Mungaru Male in a disappointed note and approached Puneeth Rajkumar for the role who refused it. Ganesh, whose first film ‘Chellata’ was a moderate success, liked the script and introduced Yograj Bhat to producer E.Krishnappa. Krishnappa agreed to fund the film, but the director could not get dates from any leading Kannada actress and he signed a relatively unknown actress Sanjana Gandhi and the rest is history!!
The movie is arguably one of the biggest hits in South Indian Kannada cinema with box office with Rs 50 Crores collection in 300 days and is expected to be screened for more 3 months after its 365 days completion.
Mmk says
It was biggest hit in south India at the time even pokiri lost to it
Mmk says
It was biggest hit in south India at the time even pokiri lost to it
vinod says
in the begning i didnt have any intrest in listening telugu songs. first telugu song i listened to was anisutide wow wat amazing am feellng something when i lestng that song. really am listening that song nearly 50 times in a day
Mohan says
Btw.. ‘anisutide’ song is from kannada and not telugu 🙂
vinod says
in the begning i didnt have any intrest in listening telugu songs. first telugu song i listened to was anisutide wow wat amazing am feellng something when i lestng that song. really am listening that song nearly 50 times in a day
Mohan says
Btw.. ‘anisutide’ song is from kannada and not telugu 🙂
priya says
A notion as to “Kannada films are not happily viewable” has been turned into a false assumption by the Mungaaru male team. Kudos to people who made all our dreams come true by taking kannada film industry into the international entertainment arena. A huge silk sack of thanks to all those people who proved everyone wrong by making it a huge success and gain applause and accolades from not just local but even the multiplex crowd.
Three cheers Mungaaru Male!!!
priya says
A notion as to “Kannada films are not happily viewable” has been turned into a false assumption by the Mungaaru male team. Kudos to people who made all our dreams come true by taking kannada film industry into the international entertainment arena. A huge silk sack of thanks to all those people who proved everyone wrong by making it a huge success and gain applause and accolades from not just local but even the multiplex crowd.
Three cheers Mungaaru Male!!!