WordPress 2.5.1 has been released today and I have upgraded to the latest version. This upgradation was a cake walk, I was able to complete this upgrade in less than 10 minutes 🙂 Steps to upgrade : —————– Get the latest WordPress. Either download and extract it to your computer or download it directly to […]
WordPress 2.5 permalink issue
When I set up my site with wordpress 2.5, everything looked great initially. I chose to set up my permalinks to a format having domain followed by %postname%. That used to be my previous format in the old blog as well. Default format of permalinks is domain followed by post ids. Later on I realized […]
Got a new domain!
I am happy to announce that a new domain has been created to continue my blog with immediate effect. Domain name I have chosen is “CodeCritic.in” through Yahoo! India. I did the purchase of this new domain today morning around 9:30 and the site was up in less than 20 minutes! In no time, I […]
Flickr albums integrated with WordPress
Successfully integrated my flickr photos to my blog powered by WordPress. You can view them by clicking on the ‘Photos’ link in the header. I used FAlbum plugin to accomplish this, set up was done with very minimal changes to the code. I just had to modify the style sheet file [../styles/default/falbum.css] of FAlbum as […]
Dot5hosting migration review
My current domain & webspace is hosted on dot5hosting services. They are pretty good all these days until my account got transitioned to a new v3 platform. Earlier, my account was on vDeck v1.0. I had a real bad transition experience to new platform. I use my site mainly for blogging and ‘WordPress‘ is the […]