My search for PDF to word file conversion software has not ended yet. Initially, I tried the online converter tools which were not up to the mark. Hence I had no other option but to try out the stand alone installed versions. Few readers of my blog suggested a number of such software tools. I […]
Convert PDF to Word for free
Have you been looking to convert your PDF files into Word format? For that matter even vice vice versa? Well, here is a simple solution to do both! All you need is to go this website called “pdfonline“, select an appropriate action and upload your file. In very short time, you will get the file […]
Review – Bing fails to impress me
Microsoft’s new search called ‘Bing‘ is made public today. I just played around with a varied set of tests on Bing and here is my review based on my findings. As always, my very first search query is ‘http’ and the very first impression for me was a total disaster. It was damn faster though! […]
Yahoo! HackLite at GIDS Bangalore
Yahoo! will be conducting an online hack event called “HackLite” at ‘The Great Indian Developer Summit‘ (GIDS) 2009 from April 22-25 at IISc, Bangalore. With HackLite, the hacking concept is the same as Yahoo!s Open Hack Days – that is, building great applications and widgets using Yahoo! Open APIs. But unlike Open Hack Days (where […]